Switch this class to be abstract.
Add an inner class to this class.
Add an inner class to this method.
Indicate that this class is defining an annotation interface.
Begin defining another class with the same loader and lookup as this one.
Begin defining a class with an automatically assigned name.
Begin defining a class with the given name, but the actual name will have a suffix
applied to ensure uniqueness.
Begin defining a class with the given name, but the actual name will have a suffix
applied to ensure uniqueness.
Begin defining a class with the given name, but the actual name will have a suffix
applied to ensure uniqueness.
Begin defining a class with the given name, but the actual name will have a suffix
applied to ensure uniqueness.
Begin defining a class with an explicitly specified name.
Begin defining a class with an explicitly specified name.
Begin defining a class intended to be loaded from a file.
Returns the ClassMaker
for this item, which can also be used as a type
Indicate that this class is defining an enum.
Set a class that this class extends.
Switch this class to be final.
Add an interface that this class or interface implements.
Switch this class to be an interface.
Returns the type of this variable, if bound to a class which is being made.
Convert this class into a sealed class by permitting a subclass.
Switch this class to be private.
Switch this class to be protected.
Switch this class to be public.
Define a signature for this member, which is a string for supporting generic types.
Set the source file of this class file by adding a source file attribute.
Switch this class to be static.
Indicate that this class is synthetic.