Annotation Interface Restorable

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface Restorable
Designates a remote method which returns a remote object which should be restored when a session reconnects. All of the parameters passed to the method are referenced internally by the returned remote object so that they can be used again. To ensure that the restoration works idempotently, the contents of any object parameters must not be modified.

Objects which are disposed cannot be restored, and neither can objects which depend on non-restorable objects. If the root object is disposed, then the session will never attempt to reconnect, and thus no objects can be restored.

  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    A restorable method which is lenient allows an object to be returned by a method even if the session is currenly disconnected.
  • Element Details

    • lenient

      boolean lenient
      A restorable method which is lenient allows an object to be returned by a method even if the session is currenly disconnected. Such an object will be in a disposed state and won't be fully functional until the session reconnects.